

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Indonesia in order tectonic world (Grace or Disaster?) Part 1

                                                                     Indonesian Tectonic Plate, Source :

Indonesia ....!!??, Is there a picture that comes to your mind when you hear that name?
when you ask a humanist, then they  would say "Indonesia is a country with the biggest cultures in the world.
which has 1,128 ethnic groups (based on data from national statistical agencies, 2010) with 746 mother tongue (Language Centre, Indonesian Ministry of education and culture). Is it ... amazing. ?, For a bunch of meat who call themselves as human, it was an amazing thing.

                     Bugis tribe, one of the original indonesian's tribes, Source Images :
Then, we try to point the binoculars perspective of a biologist from the standpoint of their competence. again and again, they will be aligned with a cultural pitched earlier. "Indonesia is a country that has abundant biological richness, the number of plants which is estimated at 25,000 species. or more than 10% of the plants in the world. especially when we discuss one of the extraordinary  plants.
yes, it was the flower of Rafflesia arnoldii. The flower is the largest and heaviest in the world. This flower has a diameter up to 100 cm and a weight of 7-10 kg.

                                  Rafflesia Arnoldi, the biggest flower in the world. Source Images :

While others of its biological richness, ie animals. There are about 220,000 species of animals which consists of 200,000 species of insects (+ 17% of insects in the world), 4,000 species of fish, 2,000 species of birds, and reptiles and amphibians 1,000 types.
Komodo ... surely that's what you remember about the animals in Indonesia.

                       Komodo, The Last Living Dinosaurus On The Earth, Source Images :

It - the above is a partial story of Indonesia in several viewpoints. not mean to boast or to give the impression show off, but rather to concern about the sharing of information for fellow human beings. especially if you have not had the opportunity to visit our beloved country.
Now, let's get back to the main topic, Indonesia in order tectonic world (Grace or Disaster?). Of course it is the perspective of a geologist about Indonesia.
In the previous discussion, we have discussed together about the history of the formation of the earth. Let's continue with armed a little knowledge of it.

To be continued ..


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